Tag Archives: Dakota Frost

Dakota in the Bay

I’m hard at work on LIQUID FIRE, the third Dakota Frost novel, which reintroduces Dakota to the San Francisco Bay Area. This is a location that will be increasingly important to the Dakota Frost novels – in part because I … Continue reading

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Burning that liquid fire…

Back at work on LIQUID FIRE and it’s progressing well. From a recent scene: “Does … does every tattoo use a brand new needle? For health or something?” “Every time,” I said. “For health reasons, of course, but for the … Continue reading

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Detroit and Los Angeles

For some reason, FROST MOON and BLOOD ROCK sell more physical copies in Detroit and Los Angeles than anywhere else … as far as Amazon and Book Scan are concerned. It could also be selling at Barnes and Noble or … Continue reading

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Dakota Frost on the web…

I know I’ve been a bit slack updating this blog recently … the most frequent updates to Dakota Frost’s status can be found on her Facebook page or on her Google+ page, whereas updates on my own writing life can … Continue reading

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Skindancer: Magisches Tattoo

FROST MOON is out in German as SKINDANCER! I don’t read or speak German, but it’s a handsome looking book and skimming through it, it seems like they nailed it. Michaela Gutowsky has done a video review which translates pretty … Continue reading

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Take Your Special Needs and Learn to Fly

Devin Murphy’s amazing poetry slam incorporating his very real Tourette’s tics into his performance on Russell Simmons presents Brave New Voices. Amazing! SPOILER WARNING The following gives away a minor twist about BLOOD ROCK, so if you haven’t read it, … Continue reading

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11,500 words into HEX CODE

HEX CODE, the Cinnamon Frost YA, is progressing nicely this National Novel Writing Month. I’m 11,500 words in, which means, given that I started with a seed of 1500 words, that I’ve just finished 10,000 words so far this month. … Continue reading

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Cinnamon gets her own book at last…

So it’s another year, another National Novel Writing Month. This year, what was supposed to be my first YA (young adult) novel, the Cinnamon Frost story titled HEX CODE. Actually, I’ve already started a new young adult novel called STRANDED, … Continue reading

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Fairy culture and celtic myth will figure prominently in HEX CODE and the second and third Dakota Frost trilogies, so I’m feeding my head now. And HEX CODE is a young adult novel, so I’m reading as many young adult … Continue reading

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Reading at Georgia Tech September 1st

I’ll be reading from FROST MOON and signing both FROST MOON and BLOOD ROCK at Georgia Tech on September 1st … http://libguides.gatech.edu/frostmoon … I guess this means I need to prepare my talk! -the Centaur

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