Tag Archives: Administrivia

Who is Dakota Frost?

Dakota Frost is a woman who can bring her tattoos to life! The protagonist of the Skindancer series, Dakota is the best magical tattoist in the Southeast, and she won’t hesitate to tell you so! This site is the home … Continue reading

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Dakota’s Friends

No, Dakota’s not on vacation … I’m hard at work at Dakota Frost #6 SPIRITUAL GOLD (I’m writing the next 3 together to make the plot work out right). But her good friend Jeremiah Willstone just made her novel-length debut … Continue reading

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Detroit and Los Angeles

For some reason, FROST MOON and BLOOD ROCK sell more physical copies in Detroit and Los Angeles than anywhere else … as far as Amazon and Book Scan are concerned. It could also be selling at Barnes and Noble or … Continue reading

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Audio Notes Away – Audio Book Coming

Well, thanks to an unexpected trip to deal with a family emergency, I had enough downtime to go through the audio notes for FROST MOON for Traci Odom. I really loved her reading and even got teary eyed at one … Continue reading

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Dakota Frost on the web…

I know I’ve been a bit slack updating this blog recently … the most frequent updates to Dakota Frost’s status can be found on her Facebook page or on her Google+ page, whereas updates on my own writing life can … Continue reading

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Appearing at Dragon*Con …

… and testing out a new feature of the site, the Appearances tab. Full details on Dragon*Con are forthcoming… -Anthony

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At last, my site is complete again …

… the theme has been (mostly) restored to what it was before I had to switch from Blogger to WordPress. There will be kinks to iron out, but hopefully I’ll get to them all in the next few weeks. If … Continue reading

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If you told me you wanted a preorder …

… call Bell Bridge Books and order BLOOD ROCK. I filled out something like 12 bookplates for Bell Bridge but only 2 people ended up ordering. (That’s not counting those for Rosemary’s Romance Books, which did get 10 preorders). Otherwise, … Continue reading

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The BLOOD ROCK ebook situation …

BLOOD ROCK is already on Kindle, of course, but I’ve had a lot of questions about what other e-readers it is coming to. According to Bell Bridge Books, Sony, Kobo and Nook are all in the works. They didn’t mention … Continue reading

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Reading at Georgia Tech September 1st

I’ll be reading from FROST MOON and signing both FROST MOON and BLOOD ROCK at Georgia Tech on September 1st … http://libguides.gatech.edu/frostmoon … I guess this means I need to prepare my talk! -the Centaur

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