Tag Archives: Dakota Frost

Who is Dakota Frost?

Dakota Frost is a woman who can bring her tattoos to life! The protagonist of the Skindancer series, Dakota is the best magical tattoist in the Southeast, and she won’t hesitate to tell you so! This site is the home … Continue reading

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BLOOD ROCK eBook on Sale in February 2022

So on February 16-28 of this month, BLOOD ROCK will be back on sale for $0.99 wherever fine eBooks are sold – for example, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Interesting that the folks at Bell Bridge put BLOOD ROCK on … Continue reading

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Editing Dakota Frost #4

Several chapters in. Going well so far! I think the thing I really needed to do was print it out and get tactile with the manuscript. Now, just 50+ chapters on #4 and then 6 more rough draft manuscripts to … Continue reading

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The Modanaqa

So I’ve always known that the werekin in Dakota’s universe lived in groups they called packs, but which we might call tribes, complete with drumming rituals: Drums beat, strong and primal. Fire blazed from burning barrels. And on the broad … Continue reading

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FROST MOON on sale for 1 more day!

Get it while supplies last! Well, it’s an ebook, so the supplies will last, but the discount won’t! Go check it out on Amazon, Kobo, Nook or wherever fine ebooks are sold! -the Centaur

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FROST MOON eBook is on Sale!

Good news, Edgeworlders! FROST MOON is on sale through the 15th! FROST MOON is my first novel, the tale of Dakota Frost, a woman who can bring her tattoos to life, and her very first encounter with the sharp edges … Continue reading

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Guest Post on Speculative Chic

So I talk a bit about the stories that inspire Dakota and Cinnamon Frost over at the Speculative Chic blog … to learn more about what’s behind the story, go check it out!

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Dragon Con Schedule, 2017 Edition!

Dragon Con returns, and I’ll be on a lot of panels, plus reading some from future Dakota Frost and Cinnamon Frost stories in my author reading on Sunday! The panels I have scheduled so far are: Androids & Automatons Friday … Continue reading

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Well, we’re getting ahead of the curve at last on SPIRITUAL GOLD … two days ahead. My writing retreat this weekend has paid off. I spent some time hanging out with the Treehouse Writers at the Linde Lane Tea Room … Continue reading

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Getting Momentum on SPIRITUAL GOLD

As usual, it takes me some time to get back into a book, especially if I’ve spent the first few days of the month distracted by something like, uh, I dunno, scouting locations for the book. But, now, after about … Continue reading

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