Category Archives: Uncategorized

Back to Work on SPECTRAL IRON

Dakota Frost #4 is on the way … have no fear, it will be this year. Unless evil ghosts keep it away. -the Centaur

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FROST MOON On Sale on Amazon!

Like magic? Like tattooing? Like werewolves? Like feisty magical tattoo artist fighting off a charming rogue werewolf suitor with a stick, while the two of them might just be prey to a serial killer targeting the magically tattooed? Well, if … Continue reading

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Now THAT Was a Book Reading

So my book reading at Books Inc in Mountain View happened, and I’m really happy with how it turned out. We had a lot of people show up – more than at first I thought – and there was a … Continue reading

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Reading LIQUID FIRE at Books Inc

So it’s crept up upon me: the first author event for Dakota Frost #3, LIQUID FIRE, this Wednesday the 26th at 7pm at Books Inc! Well, as I recall, we had a small reading at Clockwork Alchemy, but this is … Continue reading

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The Trilogy is Out

Fans of magical tattoos, rejoice – at long last, the first Skindancer trilogy is complete! A few days ago, I received my first copy of LIQUID FIRE! While there are many, many more Dakota Frost stories to be told, these … Continue reading

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LIQUID FIRE is available for preorder

At long last, Dakota Frost, Skindancer #3, LIQUID FIRE, is available on Amazon – for preorders at least. The actual release date is May 22, but you can request your Kindle version now. In FROST MOON, we were introduced to … Continue reading

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Dakota Says Hello

Things are getting closer and closer on various fronts. LIQUID FIRE has gone through page proofs and we’re close to picking a release date. I’m closing in on a rough draft of SPECTRAL IRON (#4) for Camp Nanowrimo, and am … Continue reading

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I’ll be at the Clockwork Alchemy conference this weekend

Clockwork Alchemy is steampunk, but I’ll have copies of FROST MOON and BLOOD ROCK for sale. Also, the editor and I have begun discussing LIQUID FIRE, which we will dive into in earnest after Memorial Day Weekend. Hope to see … Continue reading

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LIQUID FIRE is on its way to Bell Bridge books

(NB: crossposted from The Library of Dresan, just to see if I can figure out how to make that work). So, at long last … I have sent LIQUID FIRE to Bell Bridge books. Phew. This has been a long … Continue reading

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Dakota in the Bay

I’m hard at work on LIQUID FIRE, the third Dakota Frost novel, which reintroduces Dakota to the San Francisco Bay Area. This is a location that will be increasingly important to the Dakota Frost novels – in part because I … Continue reading

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