FROST MOON Coming to Audio

We’ve just signed a reader for FROST MOON … film and voice actress Traci Odom! She’s got other books in her queue, so she probably won’t tackle FROST MOON until December. But I’ve heard her read and I’m enthusiastic! (My wife was even more pleased; she said Traci had a great reading voice and would buy an audio book read by her on the spot).

Stay tuned as we find out more details…
-the Centaur

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Rebel Magicians of the Urban Jungle

I’ve a guest post up at Reader’s Entertainment News blog: Rebel Magicians of the Urban Jungle.

When I wrote FROST MOON, I had fun exploring all the different kinds of tattoo magic … but already, I had started to wonder: what other kinds of magic live in this alternate Atlanta where werewolves run in the night and vampires rule like gangsters?
In the sequel, BLOOD ROCK, I explored one new magical practice: magic graffiti. The basic premise of the Dakota Frost universe is that if magic is real, then magic is real …

To read more, click through the link.

Y’all come back alive, hear?
-the Centaur

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FROST MOON reading at Georgia Tech

Over at the Write to the End site, I’ve written a brief trip report of my Georgia Tech talk on the Dakota Frost, Skindancer series . It was a lot of fun and I had a great time.

It also includes a reading of the first twenty minutes or so of FROST MOON. Enjoy!

-the Centaur

Crossposted on the Library of Dresan.

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DEAR BULLY: simply an awesome book

I don’t normally review books before I’ve finished reading them, but in this case I’ll make an exception. I was reading up for my YA fiction at Kepler’s Books and I came across DEAR BULLY, a collection of stories from 70 authors dealing with bullying – either being bullied, knowing the bullied, or sometimes bullying themselves.

The pain and immediacy of the book took my breath away.

Very most awesome. For anyone recovering from, dealing with or simply interested in this problem, get yourself a copy right away.

-the Centaur

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Georgia Tech was AWESOME…

… I will do a full post later once I get all my images off my camera, but I have to give kudos to Crystal and the gang for putting on a great and fun event! I’d love to do it again.

-the Centaur

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The Centaur on Urban Fantasy Investigations

I was interviewed over at Urban Fantasy Investigations:

UFI welcomes Anthony Francis Author of The Skindancer Series. Thanks for Joining us!!
What can you tell my readers about yourself that they might not know from looking on your bio or reading in another interview?

Let’s see … I like cats and sushi and dance clubs, and I can make an odd noise with my throat that sounds like a spacecraft landing. And I have a metal plate in my arm from when I blocked instead of ducking while preparing for a karate tournament.

What do you enjoy doing on your down time?

What’s down time?

Please check them out!


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Appearing at Dragon*Con …

… and testing out a new feature of the site, the Appearances tab. Full details on Dragon*Con are forthcoming…


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At last, my site is complete again …

… the theme has been (mostly) restored to what it was before I had to switch from Blogger to WordPress.

There will be kinks to iron out, but hopefully I’ll get to them all in the next few weeks. If anything is broken, let me know in a comment to this post.

-the Centaur

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If you told me you wanted a preorder …

… call Bell Bridge Books and order BLOOD ROCK. I filled out something like 12 bookplates for Bell Bridge but only 2 people ended up ordering. (That’s not counting those for Rosemary’s Romance Books, which did get 10 preorders).

Otherwise, as of Monday of next week they’ll send the bookplates back to me. At that point, if you were one of the 22 people who expressed an interest in a preorder, contact me directly and I’ll get the bookplate to you.

-the Centaur

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The BLOOD ROCK ebook situation …

BLOOD ROCK is already on Kindle, of course, but I’ve had a lot of questions about what other e-readers it is coming to.

According to Bell Bridge Books, Sony, Kobo and Nook are all in the works. They didn’t mention Google Books specifically, but it’s almost certainly in the pipe and would probably show up here.

The only place it WON’T show up, for now, is Fictionwise. As I understand it, Fictionwise no longer DRMs their titles, and since my books have been rampantly pirated (BLOOD ROCK was already available for piracy from before I received my box of galley proofs, much less the for-sale printed copies) so I can see why Bell Bridge is hesitant.

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